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Repentance is the only thing that interrupts the process of judgment, humbling ourselves to seek God's forgiveness for departing His holy laws. Following our own desire only leads to destruction-, but confessing sin leads to God's promise to forgive and restore our record to righteousness. If we do not understand what repentance is we run the risk of thinking that REMORSE is the same as repenting, but it is not. We would also miss the core point of being able to repent- which is to apologize for distancing ourselves from the Lord and disdaining His laws in favor of what we want to do. In the path of doing our own thing He gets cast aside and overlooked, this is why we must repent to EVEN BE SHOWN THE WAY BACK from the darkness. WE CAN'T FIND OUT THE WAY BACK ON OUR OWN! Only when we confess our sin are we safely led back by the Holy Spirit into the protection that obedience gives us before the Lord. Repentance is therefore the only thing that prevents God's judgement, it is the most merciful mercy of all. [1 JOHN 1:8-9] ---------------------------------------------------------------- I have said this more than any other thing: Only those who have truly been forgiven and felt the freedom of God's grace blowing through their soul, can know what a truly GREAT MERCY it is to be able to repent. I've said that if all the souls who passed on could be revived and asked, "Would you do anything differently? If you had another chance what would you do?", those people would scream I WOULD REPENT!!!! I WOULD REPENT BETTER THAN I EVER DID BEFORE! That's because repentance stops the process of judgement and offers another chance. To still be able to repent is Yah telling you- "I SEE YOU and I'm warning you. Come away from the cliff edge. Come away from the fences. Clean your robes you sinners, so that I can share with you the fruit of the tree of life, and give you access to My holy city by its gates." [Revelation 22:14] This thing called Repentance, I will never stop saying it, it is the most merciful mercy of all. Shalom.

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