Elon Musk’s xAI Raising $6B, Worldcoin and OpenAI, Synthesia Expressive Avatars

Elon’s raising $6 billion for his AI lab. I dig into how much of this is Elon hype versus banking on real potential. Worldcoin and OpenAI. What this eyeball-scanning, crypto fever dream has to do with the leading AI company. Synthesia’s new expressive avatars. The new upgrades are soon to dominate work. But will they break into our personal lives? Subscribe to the best newsletter on AI: https://theneurondaily.comWatch The Neuron on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@theneuronai

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The Neuron covers the latest AI developments, trends and research, hosted by Pete Huang. Digestible, informative and authoritative takes on AI that get you up to speed and help you become an authority in your own circles. Available on all podcasting platforms and YouTube.