5 Years of The Productive Woman – TPW249

The Productive Woman - Een podcast door Laura McClellan

5 years ago this week, The Productive Woman (the podcast and the community) was born. I am grateful beyond words for all that's happened in the past 5 years.

Celebrating 5 years of lessons learned and relationships built

Those who’ve listened for a while know I’m big on milestone dates. To me, this is a big milestone. When I launched The Productive Woman podcast on July 1, 2014, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. I just knew I wanted to start, to put this out into the world, and see if I could connect with a community of women who cared about making a life that matters.

As I approached The Productive Woman's 5-year "podiversary," I did what I often do at milestones: pondered what I’ve learned and considered where I want to go next. I wanted to share a bit with you as well as invite you to be part of this episode. So here are 5 lessons I’ve learned, 5 dreams I have for the future, some feedback from the TPW community, and 5 questions for you.

5 lessons I’ve learned

1. What we have in common is more important than our differences

There are amazing women all over the world who want to make lives that matter, who think about how to balance the various roles they play, who want to reach their full potential and make their best contribution to making the world a better place. Although we each have our unique traits and come from different countries, religions, backgrounds, and life stages, the things mentioned above seem to be common among us in the TPW community, and I think it's important to remember that the things we have in common are far more important than our differences.

2. There is enough time to do what matters most

We tell ourselves otherwise, but the truth of what matters most to us is in what we actually do. I don't say that as a judgment; it's just a reality. If I’m not taking action toward accomplishing something I really want to do, then it’s because something else--such as sleep, security, avoiding fear, ease, or time off--is more important, whether I acknowledge it or not.

3. I’m not the only one who cares about making a life that matters, nor am I the only one who struggles to manage it all

I’ve heard from so many of you, both in the Facebook group and via email, on coaching calls and in mastermind groups, sharing your struggles and hopes. Honestly, this has consoled me when I struggle to do the things that I want to do. I don’t wish the struggle on anyone, but the truth is . . . struggle is part of the human condition, and there is comfort in knowing I’m not alone. So I appreciate you sharing your struggles and concerns in the community Facebook group, and that we can support and encourage each other in the journey.

It’s okay to be vulnerable and open about who you are. Doing so opens a way to true connection and gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and grow individually and together.

4. I was right when I thought women could come together in community and support each other.

The TPW community amazes me. I love it when a woman from somewhere in the world reaches out to the community and others from all around the world jump in with a word of encouragement and suggestions even before I have a chance to give feedback.

I am also so pleased to see women from past mastermind groups who’ve connected so deeply that they continue, months and years later, to support and uplift and encourage each other and hold each other accountable.

5. You don’t have to be perfect or an expert to make a difference

I am neither perfect nor an expert, yet you have told me that what I’m doing has made a difference in your life. I encourage you to do whatever’s on your heart, big or small, and let it make a difference to those in your world.

Feedback from the community

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