Getting Things Done When You Don’t Feel Like It – TPW439

The Productive Woman - Een podcast door Laura McClellan

We all have days where we don't feel like doing anything, even though there is a lot to get done. So how do we get things done when we just don't feel like it? We can get things done even when we don't feel like it Whether it’s a project at work or school or home, or workout or other physical exertion, or even something fun that we actually want to do, sometimes we face a task that we just don’t feel like doing. There are lots of reasons why that might be the case:  We feel overwhelmed  We feel intimidated  We’re not feeling well or we’re just tired  Sometimes the answer is to take a break or defer the task. But if that’s not an option--if it’s something you really must do, or really want to do--how can we get past the obstacles we’ve created for ourselves and get things done even when we don’t feel like doing them? 1. Manage your mind Remind yourself why you want to do it. How does it fit into your goals or your vision for your life? What benefit will you gain by doing it?  Remind yourself of the consequences if you don’t do it. Remember nothing’s fun all the time. Even the things we enjoy have their difficult or tedious parts. Sometimes we just have to push through (I don’t have to like it; I just have to do it). To accomplish anything or even just to get the satisfaction of doing something we want to do, sometimes we just have to push past the resistance and start.  Change the story we tell ourselves about it: “I get to do this” vs. “I have to do this.” The words we choose matter. Remember we always have a choice. We might not like the consequences of some options, but it’s still our choice. 2. Set a deadline (for starting and for stopping) If it’s a difficult task (physically or emotionally), maybe do it first thing, when your willpower is the strongest. 3. Change your location Sometimes a change of scenery can inspire action. Take it outside? Take it to a conference room? 4. Eliminate distractions Put away your phone; turn off the TV; disconnect from the internet  Author Chris Bailey notes in a blog post: “According to research, about half of your time on the Internet is spent procrastinating, and when you’re not in the right mindset to work, that number can go through the roof. Disconnecting from the Internet—even for just an hour or two—will help you hunker down, waste less time, and become more productive when you just don’t feel like it.”  Use the restroom, have something to eat, get a drink of water (eliminating excuses that might interrupt your work once you sit down to begin).  Clear out your workspace, removing anything that might draw your attention from the task at hand. (But don’t let that clearing turn into a diversion of reorganizing--just put it all in a box and stick it in a closet or somewhere out of sight. You can organize later, after the important task is done.) Don’t let less important tasks pull you away (keep a notepad handy to jot down a reminder so you can keep going) 5. Create your own incentive Set up a reward -- something you’ll enjoy after you complete the task.  Do you want a cup of coffee? 30 minutes watching your favorite show? Chat with a friend (good incentive for an extrovert who needs to do a solitary task).  Sometimes the reward can be applied during the task. I have certain shows I watch when I’m on the treadmill as an incentive to actually work out.  In an article called

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