Holiday Wishes and Year-end Reminders – TPW274

The Productive Woman - Een podcast door Laura McClellan

As we celebrate the year-end holidays, here are my wishes and reminders for all of us.

These are my holiday reminders to us all

1. Be present

One writer says: “Essentially, for me, what “Be Present” means – is that MY MIND IS IN THE NOW. And the “Now” is WHERE MY BODY IS NOW.”

Another writer: “for some, being present is the practice of being fully engaged and attentive to what is going on in their mind, body, and heart in the exact minute they are in.”

Whatever we’re doing, practice keeping our mind there, in that moment, resisting the urge to think ahead or mull over what’s already happened.

2. Make time for what feeds you

Rest, yes. Decent food, absolutely. 

But also whatever you find restorative. Time alone or with those who mean most to you; self-care (whatever that means to you--massage; cup of tea and a good book; a walk in nature or a drive to look at the lights). For ideas, check out 33 Ways to Feed Your Soul.

3. Take time to look back, identify and learn the lessons, and celebrate the wins

What kind of year has this been for you? Find a word for it. Joyous? Challenging? Momentous? Disappointing? Energizing?

What lessons have you learned from the good and the bad that happened this year?

What do you want to carry into the new year with you, what do you want to leave behind, and what new things do you want to change or begin?

4. Say no to guilt and regret.

Neither is productive, and neither can help you make a life that matters. As the year winds down, whatever happened, or didn’t happen that you wish or intended, take the lessons and let the rest go. The most productive thing we can all do today (and every day) is simply be in this moment, and look to the future with hope. Give yourself grace.

What do you think?

Share your thoughts with me in the comments section below this post or in The Productive Woman Community Facebook group, or send me an email!

Thank you for being a part of this community. I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and the happiest of holiday seasons.

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