Quick Check-In – TPW428

The Productive Woman - Een podcast door Laura McClellan

This week I'm checking in with a couple of quick updates and request for a favor from you! Taking a few minutes for a quick check-in . . . A friendly reminder Just a reminder that the new TPW mastermind groups will start meeting next week (week of January 16). These are small groups, no more than 5 women plus me, who meet in Zoom one hour a week for 12 weeks for support, encouragement, and accountability in pursuing individual goals. These are paid, facilitated masterminds. I have only 2 spots left for the Winter 2023 masterminds as I’m recording this, so if you’re interested, visit theproductivewoman.com/mastermind for more information and the link to a short application. Word for the year I mentioned in a December episode (TPW424) that my word for the year is Joy. I’ve talked in the past about the idea of choosing a word (or 3 words) for the year (see episode 173 for a description of the purpose and process). Nevertheless, I don’t do so every year. This year, though, the word just kind of came to me in December and has stuck with me. I’ll be using it as a way to filter my choices and guide my decision-making, asking myself two basic questions:  How can I experience more joy in my life?  How can I foster joy in the lives of others?  One thing I’m pondering in answering those questions is what I can do this coming year to make more ways for us to connect. I get great joy from talking with you (not just to you each week on the podcast, but actually interacting with you. In the past, I’ve had the chance to meet up with some of you in person when I was traveling to other cities, and I had so much fun hosting the first-ever TPW planning retreat here at my home in the fall of 2021. I’ve also enjoyed the Zoom chats from time to time with others in the TPW community. I’m also excited that a member of our community and former TPW masterminder will be visiting this week. She and her family are traveling through the area and will spend a night here at my home. I’m so looking forward to getting to connect in person! And as one way of experiencing and sharing joy this year, I hope I can find ways to meet more community members face-to-face, whether online or in person, or a combination of both.  Question for you: Do you choose a word (or 3 words or a phrase or a Bible verse or quote)? How do you use it throughout the year?  Favor to ask: We're approaching the 9th anniversary of the launch of The Productive Woman podcast. When I published that very first, very short, very rough first episode, I couldn’t have imagined all that’s grown from that small dream of encouraging women. I wasn’t even sure I’d have enough content to publish for a year, much less 9 years! Yet here we are.   As we approach that 9th anniversary mark and enter the 10th year of The Productive Woman podcast and community, I would ask a small favor of you: Would you take a minute to send me a quick message to share with me something I can do to keep this podcast relevant and helpful to you? It might be a question you have for me, or a topic you’d like me to cover, or a guest you’d like me to talk to this year. Maybe it’s a service you’d like me to offer or a product you’d like me to create. Any suggestions would be welcome. You can email me at [email protected],

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