That Project You’ve Been Avoiding – TPW312

The Productive Woman - Een podcast door Laura McClellan

Do you have a big project you've been avoiding because you're overwhelmed, don't have time, or aren't sure how to get started? In this week's episode we're talking about how to figure out what's holding us back and come up with strategies to get started.

How do we deal with those projects we've been avoiding?

Many of us have projects we need or want to undertake but haven’t been doing anything about. It might be a work project, such as that big report we need to write, or a new system that needs to be implemented. It might be a personal project, such as getting our taxes done or organizing the family photos or writing a book. We procrastinate for many reasons, and we’ve talked about this in the past (see episode 286-11 Time Wasters to Eliminate

It's a common thing, and always has been, to have plans, dreams, and goals that we never take action on. It’s been around so long that, according to writer Madeleine Dore:

“Philosophers such as Plato and Socrates developed and debated a term for it: akrasia, which in part describes the experience of not following through on what you set out to do. . . . Aristotle suggested two different varieties of akrasia: the first occurring when we are distracted by pleasure — TV binges — and the second stemming from a lack of self-accountability.” 

In her article, Ms. Dore points out that akrasia is not the same as procrastination. As she puts it, “Procrastination is the act of delaying something until eventually deciding to do it — albeit at the last minute — whereas akrasia is a deeper feeling that you "should" do something, without necessarily deciding to do it.” 

Whether it’s procrastination on a discrete project or akrasia with respect to a long-deferred dream, there are steps we can take to get past it, get started, and get it done. 

How to get started (and keep going) 

First, figure out what’s holding you back.

Be honest with yourself!

Is it a fear of failure?

A lack of confidence in your ability to do it?


Not sure where to start?

Your days are too full and you can't find the time to do it?

Do you really want to do it? (This applies more to a project you're procrastinating on, not a dream or goal.)

What if you have to do it?

What if you don't have to do it?

What if it doesn't really have to be done at all? If you've waited this long, it may not be that important. Can you let it go, or let someone else do it instead?

Next, brainstorm solutions to whatever’s holding you back (this is a place where an accountability partner or business buddy can help). 

If fear of failure is holding you back

First, “give yourself permission to fail. Assuming your life and livelihood aren’t on the line, failing is rarely as dramatic as we fear” (from What Stopping You from Getting Started (And What to Do About It).

Remind yourself of past successes, regardless of whether they are similar to each other. Make a list of accomplishments and times when you did something you didn’t think you could do. 

Imagine what success looks like. Visualization is a powerful tool. Picture what you want to do and visualize everything coming together just as it should, and what that would look like. Imagine every step of the way of getting to the point of succe...

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