The Ancient Secret Of The Law Of Cycles

The Reality Revolution Podcast - Een podcast door Brian Scott

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” —King Solomon MAN is either a victim of fate or the master of his destiny! There are no two ways about it, and no neutral position. I am speaking, of course, of mankind and not of the individual. There are individuals who are masters and creators of their destinies part of their lives, and innocent or despondent victims of fate at other times. The lives of such persons simply prove the fact that man can be master or slave as he chooses. Modern science in its laboratory examination of the microscopical manifestations of natural law has discovered that all cells of living matter, and all crystals of nonliving matter, have varying periods of rhythmic motion beginning with their birth and controlling the process of development to maturity, and guiding the evolutionary steps preceding the process of breaking down or reproducing others of their own species. And it has been found that the periodicity which distinguishes the rhythm of each of these species or classifications of matter is harmoniously related to the periodicity observable in the movements of the planets and the effects of rhythm on the tides of the waters of the Earth, and the growth of plant life as well as animal life. Even in the functioning of the organs of animal bodies—such as the breathing processes, the heart action, and similar movements contributing to the maintenance of life—there is a definite rhythm closely resembling, and having a harmonic relation to, the larger and more pronounced rhythms of the cosmic energy. It is the purpose of the system set forth in this "episoe" to enable every man, woman, and child to take advantage of certain natural laws and work in harmony with them to the end that each may be master of his fate, and, through harmonious cooperation with the cycles of life, reap the richest rewards offered by the bountiful disposition of the cosmic plan. Lewis, H. Spencer. Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life

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