s4/e08 Demystifying Metabolism for the Endurance Athlete with Dr. Stephanie Compton, PhD, RD

Let's talk about METABOLISM! No, running doesn't "break" your metabolism; no, your metabolism doesn't screech to a halt once you turn 40. Metabolism and nutrition researcher Dr. Stephanie Compton, PhD, RD, joins the show to discuss metabolism and its impact on our bodies. It's not just about burning calories; it also includes the biochemical processes that build and break down substances in our bodies. Learn about different macronutrient substrates and how our bodies can use them for energy! This conversation explores the topics of metabolic flexibility, metabolic syndrome, age-related metabolic decline, the importance of exercise and muscle mass, supporting metabolism for active individuals, unrealistic expectations of metabolism, and the basics of metabolism. REFERENCES https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abe5017  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0040503 https://enicto.bsc.gwu.edu/web/enicto Stephanie Compton, PhD, RD, LDN is a postdoctoral researcher whose research focuses on the intersections of nutrition, physical activity, and metabolism on cancer outcomes and survivorship. Stephanie is passionate about bridging the gap between science and real life to help others ask questions and dig deeper into nutrition. She has been communicating science via Instagram for over 5 years (@steph.compton.phd) where she talks about science and nutrition education with nuance. She is currently training for her first ultra-marathon. 

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