Pt. 2: The CHINA Problem And It’s Impact On American Sovereignty, Prosperity & Privacy.
The Shannon Joy Show - Een podcast door Spreely Media Podcasting
China … Made In America. Over the past 30 years, American lawmakers have implemented comprehensive policy initiatives which have created the very conditions necessary for the rise of the Chinese Communist Party and their geo-political and economic dominance today.Today we dive into the China Problem with regular contributor and currency expert Paul Stone. His recent Substack article lays out in stark terms just how bad our own government has screwed us on behalf of the CCP and indicates there is NO END in sight even as a new administration takes the reins in Washington, DC.We are going to have to save ourselves.“China is doing a damn good job, thanks in no small part to the woeful lack of loyalty to us residents by our central government. By outsourcing critical industries, basic manufacturing, neglecting cybersecurity, and enabling corporate greed, your government has effectively placed our life systems inside Beijing.” ~ @the_paulstoneFor American to be GREAT again - we must become emancipated from dependence on China.