How It's Made - Rebecca Sugar, Lauren Hecht, Nick DeMayo, Jackie Buscarino, and Lisa Zunich (Vol.1/Ep.8)

The Steven Universe Podcast


Rebecca Sugar assembled a team of ridiculously talented people to bring Steven Universe to life, and you'll find out how she managed to do that! You'll also discover why diversity in background, culture, and life experiences was crucial to her selection process, how the respective crewniverse members' influences make their way into the show, and what really happens during those crewniverse writer retreats! Plus, if you're wondering why it takes 10 months for a new Steven Universe episode to make its way to you, Producer Jackie Buscarino and Production Manager Lisa Zunich will fill you in. And if it moves on Steven Universe, then Animation Director Nick DeMayo and Animatic Editor Lauren Hecht were involved! They've got favorite moments & episodes to share, and reveal some of the scenes and characters they fought to save from the cutting room floor (remember that crab?!)!