Going Off the Grid With Brian & Pam

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Going Off the Grid and Homesteading is something most of us think about at one point of another. Could you really do it? Could you leave everything behind and start from scratch?

Like a lot of people out there, Lisa and I have toyed with the homesteading idea in the past. The fantasy of getting away from everything and being self sufficient eventually gives way to reality of what it would take to go off the grid and start homesteading.

Financially it means quitting your job and purchasing the land, equipment and supplies to get started. On top of that you need to have the ability to leave some of the modern conveniences behind.

Hope Homestead

Today on the podcast Lisa and I talked to Brain and Pam who did just that. They decided to walk away from the rat race, and start their homesteading journey.

They did this the same way most of us would, with 30 acres of land, a small cabin, and a lot of hands on work. They have also decided to document their entire homesteading journey so make sure and check out thier website HopeHomestead.org, and subscribe to their YouTube channel too.

Below are some of the topics we covered in this weeks show. If you are thinking about homesteading or even just thinking about some sort of survival retreat or bug out location, you’ll definitely want to listen in.

* We started off by introducing Brian and his wife Pam who gave up their good paying jobs to start their homesteading journey.

* We covered what it was that made you decide that working on building a homestead was the right choice for them?

* We talked about some of the skills they have, and the skills people should know beforehand. For the most part homesteading is “trial by fire” and “learning on the fly.”

* We also went over the hurdles someone might face if they decide to start homesteading, and some they have faced.

* Having the right attitude and the mental fortitude to do this is might be the most important part. Once the “newness” wears off it would be a challenge long term without the right mindset.

* I wanted to know what Brian and Pam were doing for the necessities like food, water, and power. We covered quite a few of these topics from rain catchment, gardening, to solar power.

Closing Thoughts

If homesteading is something you are thinking about remember that it takes a huge commitment, the willingness to sacrifice, and being ready to get your hands dirty.

As we watch these YouTube videos we only see the good parts of homesteading, not the hard work behind the scenes that went into making everything work.

While homesteading can be incredibly rewarding, it’s not all sunshine and roses. It’s up to you to decide if getting away from everything is worth the sacrifices…I believe it is.

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