06. Myers Briggs - Brilliant or Bulls**t..?

Truth, Lies and Work - Een podcast door Leanne Elliott, MBPsS, CBP, MSc Psychology


You've probably done a Myers Briggs (MBTI) survey - you may even know which 4 letter combination you are. But, how accurate is it really? In this episode, Business Psychologist (and lead consultant at Oblong), Leanne Elliott digs into psychometric tests, and starts by asking if the MBT is as good as they say it is. You'll hear her draw on both her decade of recruitment & engagement, as well as explaining the science behind it all. Let's dive in! PS. Here are links that are mentioned in the show: Myers Briggs  16 Personalities The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32) Real World Group Leader - use this for recruitment of leaders Real World Group Leader - use this for the development of existing leaders Hogan Personality Inventory tool  --- Want a chat with Leanne about how you can use psychometrics to run successful recruitment or development programmes? Email us: [email protected]. Want to check us out? Head on over to our website that talks all about building a great workplace culture. Got feedback, questions or future guest suggestions? Email us: [email protected].

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