China, Russia, Trump, and the Battle for Apple's Soul

Vector with Rene Ritchie


Over the last few weeks and months, if not years, Apple has come under fire for how they’re handling China and Hong Kong, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Russia and Crimea.

Some have accused Apple and Tim Cook of betraying their principles for greed and abandoning customers who placed their trust not just in Apple’s products but their ethics and values.

Others have praised the company and their CEO for doing their fiduciary duty, following the laws of the all the various lands, and preserving important markets and shareholder value.

Still others have seen it as Apple, caught in their own expansion, trying to navigate an impossible balance between political turmoil, corporate interests, and social and customer responsibility.

Now, that fire is becoming an inferno. How close can Apple play it without being frozen out… or burned?