PRIMETIME OCTOBER 2023: New watches, famous auctions and much more!

Hello, and welcome to the PRIMETIME Watchmaking in the News where you can learn about the industry, watch events, watch scandals, and of course, new timepieces.October was rich on the news, and so will be November. But in this edition, we're talking about the obvious "elephant in the room" - the OnlyWatchgate. We discuss the upcoming auctions of Christie's, Phillips and Sotheby's with their fantastic lots and watch fairs worth visiting in November and onwards. And, of course, we talk ab...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the WATCHES TV Podcast Watch Waking! Watch Waking is an expert show broadcasting watchmaking in a way you’ve never heard before. It is designed for watch collectors, enthusiasts, and industry professionals looking to delve deeper into the fascinating world of horology. We talk about the great ‎craftsmen and women behind your favourite timepiece,  business strategies and the latest newsworthy info regarding ‎the industry at large. We will give you a nice round-up of what is going on in ‎watches in an independent and fresh format and from the heart of watchmaking territory. Join Lisa on a captivating journey into the heart of timepiece expertise with our guests offering an exclusive insider's view, forecasts, and predictions on the fascinating world of horology.*New Episode every 2 weeks on Tuesdays, at 11 am CET*We are based in Geneva and have covered the industry since 2011.‎For comments, suggestions or a chat contact us on Instagram or LinkedIn:Lisa: Instagram & LinkedIn