Paul Cornell on The UFO Conspiracies Behind IDW's Saucer State

Word Balloon Comics Podcast - Een podcast door John Siuntres


Paul Cornell is back to talk about Saucer State, his and Ryan Kelly's new IDW comic that continues the epic UFO story they started in Vertigo's Saucer Country .

This is Vol 2 of the story, but after reading issue 1, you'll get caught up very fast on what you need to know about The newly elected US president who thinks she'll finally get to the bottom of her own UFO encounters in her past. 

We also have our obligatory talks about Doctor Who and Paul's great contributions to the Who mythos.

Plus His new novel Chalk which includes it's own pop music soundtrack playlist . As the novel description puts it..."Paul Cornell plumbs the depths of magic and despair in this brutal exploration of bullying in Margaret Thatcher’s England."

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