Sanford Greene talks Marvel Ruaways Hip Hop Covers and Animation Plans

Word Balloon Comics Podcast - Een podcast door John Siuntres


Sanford Greene is back to talk about his current and future plans in comics and animation. We talk about his current Marvel Secret Wars series Runaways with Limberjanes co-creator Noelle Stevenson.

We also look at the coming Marvel Hip Hop Variant Covers . Sanford has drawn 2 so far, and has more on the way in addition to his role brining more  creators to this project and others at Marvel. The conversation gets into the current debate about diversity at the big 2 publishers. Greene has thoughts and says the Hip Hop Varriant are just the beggining of changes at Marvel . These changes are already happening in the TV and film divisions and the comics as well. 

We also look at Sanford's animation company Secret Sauce that has projects on the way comming to Netflix, and more. 

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