
Een podcast door Ripe


623 Afleveringen

  1. Douchebag Neighbor Rams His Semitruck Into My Wheelchair Ramp On My Driveway!

    Gepubliceerd: 24-3-2024
  2. Influencer Karen REPEATEDLY Parks in Disabled Parking Spot! Claims She Is FAMOUS & Has Permission!

    Gepubliceerd: 23-3-2024
  3. HOA President BULLDOZED My Driveway to Expand HOA Neighborhood Road!

    Gepubliceerd: 22-3-2024
  4. Psycho Karen Claims I KIDNAPPED My Son When I REFUSE To Serve Her! Almost Ruins My Life!

    Gepubliceerd: 21-3-2024
  5. Neighbor Karen Calls 911 When I Use My Own Pool! Claims I’m A Burglar!

    Gepubliceerd: 20-3-2024
  6. Entitled Boss DEMANDS I Work For FREE, Fires Me After I Refuse To Give Up My Rights!

    Gepubliceerd: 19-3-2024
  7. Entitled Neighbor CLAIMED Ownership Of My Redwood Forest, Bulldozed Everything Without Permits!

    Gepubliceerd: 18-3-2024
  8. Entitled Trespasser Pulls GUN On Me After Repeatedly Refusing To Leave My Private Lake Property!

    Gepubliceerd: 17-3-2024
  9. Entitled Hikers CONSTANTLY Trespass On My Property, Claim They Have The LEGAL RIGHT OF WAY!

    Gepubliceerd: 16-3-2024
  10. Karen Hires Tree Cutting Crew To Chop Down 200 Year Old Oak Tree On My Property Line While I'm Out Of Town!

    Gepubliceerd: 15-3-2024
  11. TOXIC Mother-in-Law Forges My Signature to Take Out a Second Mortgage on Our House!

    Gepubliceerd: 14-3-2024
  12. Insane HOA Steals 500 Acres Of My Inherited Farm Land! I’m Not Even Part Of The HOA!

    Gepubliceerd: 13-3-2024
  13. Nightmare Mother In Law CLAIMED Inheritance At My Wife’s Funeral! Insist I Get NOTHING!

    Gepubliceerd: 12-3-2024
  14. Company Built Massive Warehouse On My Farm & Tore Down My Farm Land while I was in the hospital!

    Gepubliceerd: 11-3-2024
  15. HOA SUED Me For Having Tesla Charging Station On My Property! Claims I'm DESTROYING The Environment!

    Gepubliceerd: 10-3-2024
  16. HOA Let's Entire Neighborhood PARK On My Property! Claims They Own My Vacant Lot!

    Gepubliceerd: 9-3-2024
  17. Karen Family DEMANDS My Inherited Farm! I Don't Deserve It! I Sued And Won!

    Gepubliceerd: 8-3-2024
  18. Neighbor Karen Parks SEMITRUCK In Front Of My STORE To Ruin My Business! Calls COPS on Me After Getting Towed!

    Gepubliceerd: 7-3-2024
  19. Neighbor SOLD My Home While I Was In A COMA! I Sued Him For $475,000!

    Gepubliceerd: 6-3-2024
  20. Neighbor Demolished My Inherited House & Sold The Property BEFORE I Could Move In!

    Gepubliceerd: 5-3-2024

19 / 32

Hi, I'm Ripe from! I'm bringing you the best Reddit Narrations and commentary! We have the best of ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, Entitled Parents and more!We also read subreddits such as rslash justnohoa, r/entitledpeople and stories about insane funny Karens!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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