
Een podcast door TopMedTalk


1893 Afleveringen

  1. Brain Health: Frailty, Delirium and Post-operative cognitive dysfunction Part 1 | EBPOM USA - Chicago 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 12-5-2021
  2. Frailty, Brain Health and Perioperative Cognitive Dysfunction | EBPOM USA - Chicago

    Gepubliceerd: 11-5-2021
  3. Methadone use in Perioperative Medicine | EBPOM USA - Chicago

    Gepubliceerd: 10-5-2021
  4. The Future of Prehabilitation "Standardisation of definitions and outcomes" | EBPOM 2020 London

    Gepubliceerd: 9-5-2021
  5. Getting "fit for surgery" | EBPOM 2020 London

    Gepubliceerd: 8-5-2021
  6. Functional Assesment | EBPOM London 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 7-5-2021
  7. Nutrition and metabolism before surgery - PART 2 of 2 | EBPOM London 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 6-5-2021
  8. Nutrition and metabolism before surgery - PART 1 of 2 | EBPOM London 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 5-5-2021
  9. Models of Prehabilitation in Greater Manchester | EBPOM 2020 London

    Gepubliceerd: 4-5-2021
  10. Perioperative team: a surgeon’s view | EBPOM London 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 3-5-2021
  11. Introduction to the Pathophysiology of COVID 19 | EBPOM Ireland 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 2-5-2021
  12. Depth of anaesthesia and long term outcomes | EBPOM Ireland 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 1-5-2021
  13. The Changes that Change Culture - panel discussion | EBPOM USA - Chicago

    Gepubliceerd: 30-4-2021
  14. Video Laryngoscopy During Covid-19 | EBPOM London 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 29-4-2021
  15. Perioperative Medicine - where we were, where we are now and where want to be P2 | EBPOM Ireland 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 28-4-2021
  16. Cryoneurolysis and pain management | TopMedTalk

    Gepubliceerd: 27-4-2021
  17. Perioperative Medicine - where we were, where we are now and where want to be P1 | EBPOM Ireland 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 26-4-2021
  18. Perioperative Medicine - Editor's top picks for last year | EBPOM USA - Chicago

    Gepubliceerd: 25-4-2021
  19. Models of perioperative care "the science of value" | EBPOM USA - Chicago 2020

    Gepubliceerd: 24-4-2021
  20. Total ERAS is essential to clear the backlog | TopMedTalk

    Gepubliceerd: 22-4-2021

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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news surrounding Anaesthesia, Perioperative Care and Enhanced Recovery. Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno Talk and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go

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