
Een podcast door Ripe


623 Afleveringen

  1. Entitled Neighbor Dumped Radioactive Waste On My Empty Farm Property!

    Gepubliceerd: 23-5-2024
  2. HOA Stole Electricity From My Beach House! I'm NOT Part Of The HOA!

    Gepubliceerd: 22-5-2024
  3. r/Nuclearrevenge I Killed The HOA President After He Stole My House!

    Gepubliceerd: 21-5-2024
  4. Male Karen Accuses Me Of KIDNAPPING My Daughter! Mistakes Me For Walmart Employee!

    Gepubliceerd: 20-5-2024
  5. Entitled Waiter Kicks Me Out Of Restaurant for looking too poor, I’m The Owner and his boss!

    Gepubliceerd: 19-5-2024
  6. Neighbor Dug Out Small Lake On My Property, Claims He Got Permission From The City!

    Gepubliceerd: 18-5-2024
  7. Karen Orders Her Son To ARREST Me! He s A COP! I Refused To Obey Her Orders!

    Gepubliceerd: 17-5-2024
  8. Karen Tows My Pickup, Claiming I'm Trespassing! I'm Her Boss and it's company property!

    Gepubliceerd: 16-5-2024
  9. Neighbor SHOT Me For Shoveling Snow! Ends Up In PRISON!

    Gepubliceerd: 15-5-2024
  10. Insane Karen DEMANDS I Give Her My EXTRA Baby & Insists I Don't Deserve Kids!

    Gepubliceerd: 14-5-2024
  11. Construction Company mistakenly demolished my house! i sued them and won!

    Gepubliceerd: 13-5-2024
  12. Racist Karen Tries To CANCEL My Hawaii Wedding Cuz I’m Japanese!

    Gepubliceerd: 12-5-2024
  13. Insane HOA President Claims My Family Property Is PART Of NEW HOA!

    Gepubliceerd: 11-5-2024
  14. Psycho MIL Abducts My Shiba Dog! Calls 911 When It Bites Her!

    Gepubliceerd: 10-5-2024
  15. Karen Calls 911 While Trespassing On MY Property! Gets HERSELF Towed!

    Gepubliceerd: 9-5-2024
  16. Karen Calls 911 When I Use My Jacuzzi in my own home! Claims I'm A Burglar!

    Gepubliceerd: 8-5-2024
  17. Insane Karen Rips Out My Heart Monitor, Claims It's A Toy For Her Kids!

    Gepubliceerd: 7-5-2024
  18. Entitled In-Laws DEMAND We Give Them Our Beach Vacation Home!

    Gepubliceerd: 6-5-2024
  19. Coworker Abused My Cat, I Went John Wick On Them & DESTROYED SHOT Them!

    Gepubliceerd: 5-5-2024
  20. HOA Foreclosed On My Inherited Family Farm In South America Without Notice, Auctioned It Off!

    Gepubliceerd: 4-5-2024

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Hi, I'm Ripe from! I'm bringing you the best Reddit Narrations and commentary! We have the best of ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, Entitled Parents and more!We also read subreddits such as rslash justnohoa, r/entitledpeople and stories about insane funny Karens!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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