
Een podcast door Ripe


623 Afleveringen

  1. I had to SHOOT An HOA Member After They Trespassed & Threatened to Harm My Wife!

    Gepubliceerd: 3-5-2024
  2. HOA Idiot SUES Me for Parking My Work-Related Semitruck on My Private Property!

    Gepubliceerd: 2-5-2024
  3. HOA Tries To FORECLOSE My House Because Of My Classic 1968 Ford F250 Truck's Paint Job!

    Gepubliceerd: 1-5-2024
  4. HOA Squatter REFUSED To Leave My Farm Property! I’m not part of the hoa!

    Gepubliceerd: 30-4-2024
  5. Insane Neighbor Lets A Fleet Of 20 Buses Park On My PRIVATE Property!

    Gepubliceerd: 29-4-2024
  6. Ex makes false police report claiming i kidnapped our kid and Sends SWAT Team To My House!

    Gepubliceerd: 28-4-2024
  7. Insane Vindictive HOA Karen TOWED My Brand New Car & Sold It To Her Cousin!

    Gepubliceerd: 27-4-2024
  8. Customer Karen Pretends To Be Owner’s Wife To Get ME Fired! I’m OWN The Store!

    Gepubliceerd: 26-4-2024
  9. HOA Stopped Existing 10 Years Ago, STILL Charges Dues, Threatens Lien!

    Gepubliceerd: 25-4-2024
  10. HOA Claims They Bought My 150 year old Ranch at Auction - But I've Never Heard of This HOA!

    Gepubliceerd: 24-4-2024
  11. Karen Trespasser Calls COPS On Me For “Illegal Hunting” & Claims Guns Are Illegal!

    Gepubliceerd: 23-4-2024
  12. Male Karen Pulls Gun on Me at Walmart in Mexico! I’m An Undercover Cop!

    Gepubliceerd: 22-4-2024
  13. Karen SLAPS Me After I Get Her Car Towed From My Front Lawn! r/Entitledpeople

    Gepubliceerd: 21-4-2024
  14. Entitled Cop BLOCKED My Driveway & Harassed My Wife! r/InsaneCops

    Gepubliceerd: 20-4-2024
  15. TOXIC Inlaws Pointed Gun At My Head On Our Wedding Day! Insist We’re NOT Allowed To Marry!

    Gepubliceerd: 19-4-2024
  16. Karen Says Owner Gave Her VIP Status but I OWN THE BUSINESS! r/IDoworkherelady

    Gepubliceerd: 18-4-2024
  17. Am I The Asshole for NOT Following HOA Rules Cuz I'm Not a Member! They Towed My Motorcycle!

    Gepubliceerd: 17-4-2024
  18. Entitled Parents told my sister to take my house cuz i don't have a family & kids!

    Gepubliceerd: 16-4-2024
  19. Karen Repeatedly Trespasses On My Private Property, Calls COPS When I Tell Her To Leave!

    Gepubliceerd: 15-4-2024
  20. Karen Boss FIRED ME For Not Dating Her! I Destroyed Her! r/InsanePeople

    Gepubliceerd: 14-4-2024

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Hi, I'm Ripe from! I'm bringing you the best Reddit Narrations and commentary! We have the best of ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, Entitled Parents and more!We also read subreddits such as rslash justnohoa, r/entitledpeople and stories about insane funny Karens!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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